#extraGet all form handler functions.
Get the props for a HTML checkbox.
Get the props for a HTML input.
Get the form handler using the hook useFormHandler
and render the context provider.
Get the form handler using the hook useFormHandlerStateless
and render the context provider.
Get the props for a React input.
Get all the form values.
Get native change handlers for a field.
Use the context as a ref object, and never trigger a re-render.
Handle the blur logic. Handles touch on blur and validate on blur.
Logic around changing fields value.
Handle the disabled logic. Handles disabled while submitting.
Get or change the fields error.
Handle the focus logic. Handles touch on focus and validate on focus logic.
Handle field logic which requires the native element.
Check and change if the field has been touched or not.
Logic around a fields value. Handles getting the field value out of the main context, the initial value, changing the value and if the value has changed.
Get all functions from the form handler. Will never trigger a re-render.
The base form handler logic as an uncontrolled component, i.e. all state is handled.
The base form handler logic as a controlled component, i.e. stateless.
Get the props to use for a native HTML checkbox input as a boolean value.
Get the props to be used on a native HTML input, textarea or select element.
Use the form context.
Get the props to be used on a React style input, i.e. the change event should contain just the field value in the first argument rather than a change event.
#getGenerated using TypeDoc
Generate a typed formeum object context, hooks and components